August issue update

Hi, all.  For those of you who don’t know, an ambulance took me to the emergency room three days ago.  I’m having some problems due to my illness and some meds I’ve been taking for it.  I’m still very sick, and I’m going to have a catheter in for the next 10 days or so.  (Groan.)

Anyway, because of this, there will be no August issue.  I’m sorry for that, but there’s nothing I can do… I’m just too sick right now.

The August issue was to be the space-themed issue, so that will become the September issue instead… and it should be online 2 weeks from now.

Also, to make up for this, the October and November issues will have more than the usual five stories.

Thanks for your patience with me.  Coming later today: Two more Lovecraftian-themed movies that you probably don’t know about!

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  1. Oh Mike!
    What could be said, has been. But I just want to chime in with a ‘Feel Better Soon, Please!!’

    ~Juliana Q.

  2. I hope you feel better soon! Have to be careful with those drugs, and the people giving them to you. . . . You never know when you might be dealing with the servant of an elder creature trying to get their tentacles into you 😉

  3. Eeww, catheters suck. I hope you feel better soon; just concentrate on getting yourself better. We’ll still be here when you get back.

  4. Get better. The issue can wait.


    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde

    Sent from my iPad

  5. Take care care Mike…magazine can certainly wait.. Look forward to seeing you in the next video chat…..keep Lovecraft Eternal informed. .

  6. Take care of yourself. If anything happens to you we don’t get the ezine at all anymore, so we’re willing to wait.

    However, I have to say, it’s very unfair that you keep throwing cute kitty pictures out there to distract us.

  7. Don’t worry about the magazine until you’re good and healthy. If we don’t see another one even this year, as long as you’re well that’s what matters. If the stars come right in the meantime…don’t worry; you’ll know.

  8. Get well – we are all pulling for you! The magazine can wait…..

    4 weeks ago I got to ride in an ambulance – they thought I was having a heart attack. Since I wasn’t – the medical tests in the hospital were completely Lovecraftian! Why, oh why do they HAVE to insert the angiogram device where they do? I’m still brused and sore.


  9. Nothing says ‘getting better’ than a cute kitten and ladybug picture. Hang in there, man we are all rooting for you.

  10. What they said above. Take care of yourself. We are just lucky that you have put all this time and energy into producing the zine for us. My profound thanks, and hopes for a speedy recovery!

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