Not With a Bang, But Waves Whispering, by Wendy Wagner

The sea will come
upon the shores where we picnicked
the day we saw the dead porpoise,
first there, where no one will notice.

But when the little beach towns go,
it will be with pomp and tragedy,
men touching tears on their cheeks
for the cameras’ benefit.

Yes, the sea will come.
We have rafted it with plastic,
glossed it with tar, but now
the sea uncovers itself from its bed.

Maybe once we were sea children:
Today we should quiver with fear
that our mother’s mother has awakened
with all her ancient attendants.

Soon the sea will come
stretch her icewater fingers
across the places we walked
and called our own

but were only holding for the kelp.

Wendy WagnerWendy N. Wagner grew up on the gloomy Oregon coast, next door to a cemetery and an abandoned paper mill. Her short fiction has appeared in The Lovecraft eZine, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and the anthologies Armored and The Way of the Wizard. Her first novel, a Pathfinder Tales adventure, is due out in 2014. You can keep up with her at

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Poem illustration by Mike Dominic.

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5 responses to “Not With a Bang, But Waves Whispering, by Wendy Wagner

  1. nice line: men touching tears on their cheeks
    for the cameras’ benefit

    It is nice to have some poetry here! Would love to read more!


  2. Pingback: New poem and good news | Wendy N. Wagner·

  3. Good poem, made great use of mental pictures. Also, must add, good timing to have this in the ezine, since it is after all National Poetry Month!


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