
Become a Patreon… you’re in good company! My Patreons include Victor LaValle, Laird Barron, Linda Addison, Jeffrey Ford, Emma J. Gibbon, Philip Gelatt, Christopher Buehlman, and many others.

But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet.
— W.B. Yeats

Hi there! I’m Mike Davis, founder of The Lovecraft eZine. Each week, I bring you the popular Lovecraft eZine Podcast (video and audio): a bunch of geeks talking about Lovecraftian horror, weird fiction, horror books and movies, and more!

The Lovecraft eZine is also a micro-press; I’ve published books like Autumn CthulhuThe Peaslee Papers, and Whispers, just to name a few.

Most of all, The Lovecraft eZine is a community. Here’s a comment from Sandy Hale, one of my listeners and Patreons:

​I am deeply, deeply grateful for this group and the guests you have. When I listen/watch, I feel like after a lifetime of being a square peg in a round world, I’ve finally found my peer group. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I hope you’ll join us.

I need your help to keep the eZine going. If you’re a fan of the podcasts and/or the books, please become a Patreon. For only $5 a month — less than the price of a fast food meal — you’ll have access to additional Patreon-only podcasts!

And at higher reward levels, you can get free print and Kindle Lovecraft eZine Press books (and other horror books) every month, free-to-read stories by established writers published here only for you, and you can even be a guest panelist on the show!

This is my only job, and I love doing it. But it takes money to keep the Lovecraft eZine going. If you enjoy the podcasts and the books, please become a Patreon. You’ll get tons of extra content, fun, and community, and you’ll be ensuring that the eZine continues.

But don’t take my word for it. Here’s a note from one of my $10/month Patreons, Allan Smulling, after one of our bi-monthly Hangouts:

I had a great time last night! I’ve been watching the Lovecraft eZine team on YouTube for at least a year and have enjoyed their discussions and recommendations. It was such a treat to get to speak to Mike Davis, Pete Rawlik, Matthew Carpenter, Rick Lai, Ben, and other Patreons.

I’m trying not to sound too fan-boy-ish, but this is a great Patreon perk. Not only can you ask questions but you can laugh along with with the group. They are all very entertaining, informative and… well… educational. What a great resource if you want to learn about horror, strange fiction, pulps, and behind the scenes views.

Last night was kind of a mini-Necronomicon for me. It was around 1.5 to 2 hours of REALLY enjoyable conversation. To me, I wouldn’t put a price tag on it… I just enjoyed it. For a Patreon pledge of $10 to get a chance to speak to a group of very interesting authors and editors / publishers bi-weekly is a no-brainer.

Mike here again: I hope you’ll join us!

Become a Patreon — click here!