W.H. Pugmire – The Strange Beauty

Over 6 months ago I asked Wilum if would consider contributing to The Lovecraft eZine.  Honestly, I did not really expect a well-known author to agree to send fresh fiction to a brand new, unproven (at the time) online magazine, but I asked anyway.  To my surprise, not only did he agree to contribute stories, he would accept no payment… and all the while, this well-known, extremely talented author kept acting like I was doing him the favor.

And he still acts that way.

Wilum is a very kind, humble person.  Much like his hero H.P. Lovecraft, he frequently gives advice and encouragement to beginning writers.  I’m sure that every one of his friends has stories they could tell about his kindnesses.  There are talented people, and there are kind people, and then there are the ones who are both kind and talented.  W.H. Pugmire is one of those.

He is a strange and beautiful person, and he’s a shining example of being yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks.

It’s still early in Seattle, but I’m going to call Wilum in an hour or so, and I’ll report back.  In the meantime, his most current video is below, and so is a list of the stories he has contributed to this magazine.  You can read them for free.

W.H. Pugmire stories you can read for free:

Descent Into Shadow and Light

O, Lad of Memory and Shadow

Unearthly Awakening

In Phantom Isolation

A new Pugmire story, Elder Instincts, will be published here in December.

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  1. Wilum is a fabulous writer, not only is his prose fresh and lyrical, but it’s highly evocative, and his stories/poems are everything that modern Lovecraftian fiction ought to be. I hope he is able to recover, and I wish him the very best, and I hope to be able to read much much more of this great writer’s work in the future. Good Luck, Wilum!


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