What’s your favorite scary movie?

The iconic question from Scream. 😱 But seriously, what movie has scared you the most? Or at the least, profoundly disturbed you in scenes?

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I don’t know that I could name just one, but some scenes come to mind — from the movies Headcount, It Follows, and Lake Mungo.

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  1. Most horror movies don’t do much for me. I prefer to read and use the theater of the mind. That said, The Blair Witch Project was great and as a kid, Burnt Offerings pretty much freaked me out.

  2. “In the Mouth of Madness” — very Lovecraftian.

    ”The Wailing,” a Korean movie, is also the stuff nightmares are made of.

  3. Let’s Scare Jessica To Death creeped me out in my early twenties. An American Werewolf In London freaked me out when in was released in theaters and I was in my early thirties. Neither really scared me, and now that I’m a crone myself, nothing I watch scares except our world news..

  4. Without any doubt at all, the all time classic, The Exorcist. In my opinion as a monster kid from the 1960’s, it is the greatest horror movie of all time.

  5. So many to choose from, but I would have to pick The Haunting (1963) as #1. It has a subtle approach to scares that later movies rarely achieved.

  6. The original Gojira (1954) is the scariest movie I have ever seen, and I have seen some scary films.

  7. The scene that scared me most in a movie was not actually from a horror film, it was from the romantic comedy Roman Holiday. The part where Gregory Peck’s character puts his hand into the Oracle ‘the Mouth of Truth’ and pretends that it’s being bitten off! As a very young child this scared the hell out of me and gave me nightmares for ages.

  8. Not necessarily scary films, in the traditional sense, but the unrelenting bleakness of “Threads” and “Eraserhead” left quite an impression on me as a teen.

  9. I really enjoyed Conjuring 2. The first one was super good but I think the sequel had more creepy parts where I was frightened for sure.

    Also really good was Sinister.

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