Cthulhu Does Stuff #4, by Ronnie Tucker & Maxwell Patterson

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Cthulhu Does Stuff is a monthly comic strip by Ronnie Tucker and Maxwell Patterson.  Visit their website, Max and Ronnie do comics.

If you enjoyed Cthulhu Does Stuff #4, let Ronnie and Max know by commenting below — and please use the Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus buttons below to spread the word.

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  1. Glad you folks are enjoying the ‘toons. Cthulhu #5 is in the bag and #6 is in the planning stages.
    Is there any ‘stuff’ you’d like to see Cthulhu do? Feel free to drop me an email and I’ll pass it along to Max (the writer).


  2. So funny…and the art work is fantastic. This is the first time iv seen this and will definitely come back to see more….and can I have a key chain please 😉


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