The Lovecraft eZine SERIOUSLY needs your help

You know what’s annoying?  When I turn on public radio to listen to the news, and they’re having a funds drive.  I found myself annoyed, that is, until I realized that they exist in part because people donate funds, and they wouldn’t exist without those donations. 

So I’m about to be annoying.  But, please keep reading, because this magazine really needs your help.

My son Logan, with my wife Danielle, the main source of funds for Lovecraft eZine!

I did not start The Lovecraft eZine to get rich.  I didn’t even start it to turn a profit.  I’m deep in the red on this magazine, but I’m not publishing it for the money; I’m doing it because I really want to provide quality Lovecraftian fiction for free.  With that in mind…

I just got hit with a $1,100 medical bill. (For those of you who don’t know, I have a very painful chronic illness called Fibromyalgia; according to my doctor, it’s one of the worst cases he’s ever seen.)  And when I say “hit”, I mean I could not avoid paying it. It has left my wife and I in a very tight situation. Even paying my regular bills for the next couple of months is going to be very difficult. I had money set aside to pay the writers for the March and April issues… and now that has been wiped out.

If you don’t help me, I’m going to have to delay publishing for a couple of months until I get caught up again.

If everyone reading this donated $10, the magazine’s financial troubles would be over in a heartbeat.  Think about how small an amount that is.  $10 is a couple of orders at Starbucks.  A meal for two at McDonalds costs more than $10.  The Lovecraftian magazine Strange Aeons charges $8.99 per issue, just to put things in perspective.

Of course, not everyone will give $10.  If you can afford it, please give more, but in a perfect world, I’d rather get a small amount of money from a lot of readers than large amounts from just a few.

I think it’s important to note that Lovecraft eZine has been in existence for 15 months, and I’ve never made a request like this before.  Sure, I have a donations page, and occasionally I mention it, but I don’t hit you guys up for funds all the time, I think you’ll agree.  And I’m working on some great ideas to fund this magazine without relying as much on donations (like the t-shirts) … but it takes time.

Please believe me when I say that I hate to even ask… I would rather fund this magazine entirely from our own money and never ask readers for anything. But if this magazine is important to you, please help me out.

Otherwise, I am going to have to delay the next few issues until I get caught up.

I promise you that I am NOT looking to get rich from this magazine, or really even to turn a profit. If I never turn a profit, that’s fine. My goal is to bring quality Lovecraftian fiction to my readers, and that’s what I will continue to do to the best of my ability.



ONE-TIME donation of any amount you choose.

AUTOMATIC monthly donation:
Donate $2.00 per month
Donate $5.00 per month
Donate $10.00 per month
Donate $25.00 per month
Donate $50.00 per month
Donate $100.00 per month

Donate. It just might keep Cthulhu from eating your soul.

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  1. can’t donate (gotta get a broken tooth fixed on top of the “usual” fibro crap) and you totally have my emotional support and cheering squad.

    Have you considered selling hard copies via ETSY maybe? selling ad space? more tshirt/coffee mug/ poster/ etc options via some place like Zazzle or Cafe press? Auctioning off 1 of a kind donated art work from fans? (perhaps eventually if not yet) (I make crochet plush cthulhus for example, and though currently I’m up to my ears making things for conventions I might eventually be able to donate one to auction… eventually.)


  2. I’m a lurker seldom comment but read the zine a lot great work. I have been MIA all week so just now saw your request for donations. My wife has Chrones disease an has off an on had that diagnosis changed to fibromyalgia and back again so I can sympathasise. Sent u a donation by Paypal-Bill


  3. I wish you and your family the best Mike.Only a small few sites do I have the urge everyday to swing by and check out what’s new,but yours is one of them!I can’t wait for the next issue!


  4. I’m very happy to say that I just donated $10 and will be getting a t-shirt when I’ve got some more cash. Thank you for everything you do, Mike. Looking forward to many more years of the eZine.


  5. Darn, wish I could send some money. I have fibro myself, and I know the bills can get extreme. Have you considered asking if they can give you a discount or something due to financial constraints? I’ve had several hospital bills dismissed because our income is so low. Something to consider. Fibro in a man is very rare, sorry you have to deal with it. Horrible. Good luck!


  6. Donated and snagged up a shirt too! Hope it helps.
    Just a tip – this worked for me when I had surgery – if you say that you can pay part of the bill in cash, some hospitals will knock off 15%, 20% or even 30%! It worked for me and saved me a few hundred bucks. Worst they can say is “no.”

    Good luck and keep doing what you’re doing!

    Neil A. Kloster


  7. Donated and posted on my Google+ and Twitter. I enjoy listening to your audio productions. Keep up the good work. Hopefully you can get this taken care of. Be well.


  8. Donated and ordered my t-shirt last week and continue to purchase from Amazon thru your link. Does this mean I qualify for a Yana in concert DVD? 😛


  9. Donated and bought a shirt. No one should have to deal with this kind of medical financial BS… Thanks for what is obviously a labor of love, Lovecraft eZine is a great part of the Weird Community. Good luck, man!


  10. Mike, you’ve done so much for the Lovecraftian community that you more than deserve some help. Carry on my friend, and thanks for the support for things on my end. Thank you.

    Oh, and the t-shirts are a nightmare come true, we love them.


  11. Donated. Good luck Mike! Know you aren’t into the whole religion thing, but I’ll throw in a God Bless for my part.


  12. Want to share a few comments:

    “Thank you for everything – and that’s from the very bottom of my heart. Love the mag!” – Ann

    “Dear Mike, thanks for all your effort you put in Lovecraft eZine.
    I hope my donation will help. Wish you better health.” – Martin

    “Just donated a bit. Good luck, Mike! Keep up the good work and stay healthy!” – Gadzook films


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