HPL Film Fest: May 3 – 5 in Portland; Necronomicon: August 23 – 25 in Providence!

There are some exciting conventions coming up… hope to see you!

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Are you going to one or both of these conventions?  If so, please comment below!  I will be going to Necronomicon and I’m really looking forward to it.  If you’re going, comment below… and remember to look me up there and introduce yourself!

I would love to go to the HPL Film Festival as well, especially since it’s very close to my birthday, but I just can’t afford the plane ticket.  If you’re going, comment below and let me know — and if you take pictures or video while you’re there, email them to me and I’ll post them here at the website.  Next best thing, right?  🙂

Last but not least, we’re doing great on the Pulver Fund, but we’re not there yet.  (We are trying to raise enough funds to fly author Joe Pulver and his better half Kat to Necronomicon in August.)  I want to say how much I appreciate all of you who have given.  Joe and I are just blown away by your kindness.  Lovecraftians truly are the nicest people.

As I said, though, we are not there yet.  Click here to donate to the Joe Pulver Necronomicon 2013 fund via Paypal, if you so desire.

Read more about the Joe Pulver Fund here.

OK… comment below!  Tell me if you’re going to the Film Festival and/or Necronomicon!

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  1. Since I live here in Providence and since I am involved with the convention I will certainly be at NecronomiCon, Looking very forward to meeting you Mike and everyone else here. hugs..


  2. I hope to make it to Portland this year. Having not been to a Necronomicon since ’99 I know much has happened that I need to catch up on. Ia!


  3. I will definitely be at NecronomiCon. Have to severely curtail my spending for the rest of the year, but I get the feeling this will be worth it. Really looking forward to meeting a number of you people in real life, and hanging out (i.e. drinking) in demon-haunted Providence!


  4. Hey Mike! i wish you could be there, cuz id love to meet you finally! ill be there with the release of Transcendent, a film Ive worked on for over a year!!!


    • I wish I had the time to attend, I helped back you folks on kickstarter and it would be cool to meet you all and watch the movie with you. Have Fun



      • Yay thank you sir for your contribution! im absolutely positive we couldnt have finished without you. 🙂 but we made it. well, they made it, i just mostly watched. but they are letting me join in the fun of this. I have never been to a convention of this caliber. I am thoroughly and utterly thrilled to be a part of it all. first Mike here letting me read for the e-zine, then Absolute Horror, now Transcendent?? holy moly! i am one lucky lady 🙂


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