Eleven Lovecraftian Kindle books for only 99 cents each

Here’s a list of eleven Lovecraftian Kindle books, priced at only 99 cents each.  Of course, there are more available on Amazon; however, I’ve limited this list to either (a) books I’ve read, and know are good, or (b) books with good reviews on Amazon.

And of course, the books are 99 cents as I write this, but may not always be.  Grab ’em while they’re cheap!

Happy reading!

Delta Green: Denied to the Enemy: From Amazon reviewer Matthew Higgins: Simply put, this book is brilliant. The story is well done and clearly the author did considerable research for the Second World War setting. Furthermore, it is a great read, unlike many post-HPL-circlestories. It is a true credit to the Delta Green concept. More, Detwiller’s story is so well done it very well could be one of the best post-HPL circle mythos stories around and should be read by not just those interested in the Delta Green concept but anyone interested in Cthulhu Mythos stories. Suggestion: Read HPL’s “Arthur Jermyn” and “The Shadow Out of Time” BEFORE reading this novel.

The Bones of the Old Ones, by Jeffrey Thomas: In the far-future mega-city called Punktown, police investigator John Bell is called in on a case involving the murder of a group of strange cultists — murders carried out by Bell’s old friend, private eye Josh Kaddish. As Bell seeks to learn what would drive his friend to commit such acts, he learns the truth about cosmic entities that might just spell doom for the city of Punktown — and the rest of the universe besides.

The Cthulhu Mythos Megapack: 40 Modern and Classic Lovecraftian Stories: A huge amount of stories for the price! This volume assembles no less than 40 stories set in H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. Ranging from Lovecraft’s own tales (including classics such as the novel At the Mountains of Madness, “The Shadow Over Innsmouth,” and “The Colour Out of Space”) to works by his friends and contemporaries (Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, Frank Belknap Long, and Robert Bloch), to later followers (Henry Kuttner, Lin Carter, Brian McNaughton), and contemporary afficianados (Brian Stableford, Mark McLaughlin, Adrian Cole) — and many more. This is one collection no Lovecraft fan can afford to miss!

Return the Sea: A collection of Lovecraftian fairy tales retold with cosmic horror in mind. The unknowable calls across the ages, waiting for the stars to find their perfect alignment.

The Recluse: A Lovecraftian Horror Story: A Cthulhu Mythos short story in the tradition of H. P. Lovecraft.

Cthulhu Mythos Writers Sampler 2013: Inside this book you’ll find a taste of some of today’s top Cthulhu Mythos and Lovecraftian writers. Fiction by Don Webb, Jeffrey Thomas, Brian M, Sammons, Peter Rawlik, William Meikle, Kevin Lucia, David Kernot, Scott R. Jones, C.J. Henderson, Cody Goodfellow, David Dunwoody, Shane Jiraiya Cummings and David Conyers. Cover illustration by Paul Mudie. This sampler collection provides links to the various author’s works, personal interviews, and further information on their e-books.

Shadows of the PastThe alien invasion of the earth has begun, but this is no Independence day. Inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos, Shadows of the Past relates the tale of ancient Gods seeking a return to their former glory.  When Washington D.C Homicide Detective Sam Hardin is called to investigate a gruesome killing he stumbles upon the theft of an ancient alien dagger that had been discovered in the barren wastes of Antarctica. But this is no ordinary dagger. It has an odd effect on anyone it comes into contact with, for it contains the essence of an alien race that once ruled a young Earth.  Partially disabled Vietnam vet Jack Griffith has been counting down his final days as the cancer, compliments of his service in South East Asia, slowly consumes his body. While clearing a clogged storm drain he is accidentally stabbed by the dagger that had been stolen to repay a gambling debt. Surrounded by rats as death approaches he is given a second chance at life when that alien presence invades his body.  But at what price?

Fading Light: An Anthology of the Monstrous: Companion: Apparently, this is a sequel of sorts to the first book.  “Fading Light is a perfect example of a well constructed anthology. A great unifying theme, talented authors, and more than two dozen short stories to sink your teeth into. Reading this reminded me of boyhood nights spent curled up in front of the television watching The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, or The Outer Limits, which I’m sure was exactly the point. Enjoy it on a stormy night…but be sure to leave the lights on and the doors locked.” ~ Michael Sullivan, author of the Riyria Revelations

By the Light of a Gibbous Moon: This collection of ten short stories is an homage to the early 20th century writing of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, pulp horror author extraordinaire.  Far beyond the man’s death in 1937, Lovecraft’s unique, disturbed visions still influence every form of modern media from music to film to computer games. This influence remains as ubiquitous as the man’s original works are obscure.

Fat Face, by Michael Shea: Only one story, but this tale is a classic and is frequently cited as one of the best Lovecraftian stories ever written.

The Old Gods: For a man who spent his life trying to flee the inevitably of death by becoming immortal, reaching the status of godhood is the ultimate prize. But is such a man fit to rule? And what happens if being omnipotent isn’t all it’s cracked up to be?

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