Lovecraft eZine wins three awards

This is Horror announced their 2016 winners today, and I’m pleased to report that The Lovecraft eZine won Nonfiction Podcast of the Year (for the Lovecraft eZine Podcast), Anthology of the Year (for Autumn Cthulhu) and Fiction Magazine of the Year.

Thanks so much to everyone who voted; I truly appreciate it. Here’s what I had to say in with respect to each award:

Nonfiction Podcast of the Year:

“A big thank you to everyone who voted for the eZine podcast. It’s very gratifying to know that the listeners enjoy the show so much. Thanks, too, to my panelists: Matthew Carpenter, S.P. Miskowski, Rick Lai, Joe Pulver, Pete Rawlik, Salome Jones, Kelly Young, and Philip Fracassi. All of you have served as inspiration for the uniqueness of this podcast. We will do our best to continue entertaining our listeners.”

Anthology of the Year:

“I’m overjoyed that Autumn Cthulhu was chosen by the readers of This is Horror. Thanks so much to everyone who voted. Thanks, too, to everyone who supported the book from the very beginning. Last but not least, a big thank you to the authors and artists who contributed to this book—you truly made it great.”

Fiction Magazine of the Year:

“First of all, thanks to my wife Danielle for always believing in me and my crazy ideas! I am truly honored to receive this award. This magazine is a collaboration between designers, the talented authors, and the awe-inspiring artists. It is a team effort. Last but not least, thank you to everyone who voted, I appreciate it very much.”

Congratulations to the other winners: John Langan, Victor LaValle, Livia Llewellyn, Word Horde, and the folks at Pseudopod.

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  1. Great news. Absolutely deserved. All the praises to Mike and all the feral minds behind this fantastic magazine. Horror shall reign.


  2. Congratulations on your Horror Hat Trick Mike (and team)! We deserved wins in those three categories. Best of luck for much continued success. Thanks for all you do. Keep up the excellent work.


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