Sale: 29 Awesome Lovecraftian books, less than one dollar each!

Sale ends Sunday night, November 15, 2020, at 11:59 pm Central Time.

Included in the sale: Cthulhu Lives!, Lovecraftian Tales, Cthulhu Lies Dreaming, The Peaslee Papers, Unholy Dimensions, and many more! (Please note that these are Kindle books. Also, most of these books are Lovecraftian; a few are weird fiction and/or horror.)

This sale benefits The Lovecraft eZine and my family. As many of you know, my son and I both have painful chronic illnesses, and medical bills are no fun. 🙂 Thank you for your support, I truly appreciate it. Enjoy the books!

(And please share this on social media! Thank you. 🙂 )

Choose your package below. Clicking the link takes you to PayPal.

IMPORTANT: After you pay, click RETURN TO MERCHANT and it will take you to the download page.

You should not have any problems, but if you do, email me at . I do sleep, as we all do, but if you have a problem, please know that I will get back to you and resolve it within 24 hours. That’s a promise.

Note that I have included information on the regular prices of these books — as you can see, it’s a huge savings! Click the book titles if you’d like to verify, and/or for information on the books. Click the Package links to purchase.

Please don’t share the Kindle books with anyone else. Thank you! 🙂

BELOW: Choose your package — remember to click RETURN TO MERCHANT after purchase, it will take you to the download page.

Package ONE, $4.95. If you bought all these books separately on Amazon, your cost would be $19.86. Package includes:

Package TWO, $9.95. If you bought all these books separately on Amazon, your cost would be $41.72. Package includes the books in package one, PLUS:

Package THREE, $14.95. If you bought all these books separately on Amazon, your cost would be $65.46. Package includes the books in packages one and two, PLUS:

Package FOUR, $19.95. If you bought all these books separately on Amazon, your cost would be $88.32. Package includes the books in packages one, two, and three, PLUS:

Package FIVE, $24.95. If you bought all these books separately on Amazon, your cost would be $108.19. Package includes the books in packages one, two, three, and four, PLUS:

Enjoy the books… and thanks so much for your support. Here are a couple of photos of my son and I, just so you can see the faces behind the eZine. 🙂

Me! Mike Davis:

Me! Mike Davis

My son Logan, with Amber the Wonder Dog:

My son Logan, with Amber the Wonder Dog

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