Free to watch: “Horror Express”, a 1972 film with Lovecraftian themes, starring Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing

Horror Express is one of those “B” movies that I really enjoy, and parts of it are quite Lovecraftian. Even better, it stars Christopher Lee AND Peter Cushing!

Synopsis from IMdB: “In 1906, in China, Professor Alexander Saxton discovers an ancient frozen fossil in the remote Province of Szechuan. He brings the remains of the being in a box to Shanghai and boards a trans-Siberian train, where he meets his acquaintance Dr. Wells. During the trip, a life force trapped in the frozen creature is released…”

Watch it below.

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  1. This is an old favorite of mine. When I first saw it I was floored by the whole concept, though this film has plenty of lumps, it’s an entertaining watch and plenty of food for thought. There was a time where I was watching this about once a month. At the time I’d not really related it to anything Lovecraftian, though I do see some of the flavored connection to themes, now, for sure. It’s a refreshingly original film.


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