Issue 31 is now available – read free online. Comment and you might win a print edition!

Art by Lee Copeland – – click to enlarge
Art by Lee Copeland – – click to enlarge

Eight stories, one column by Robert M. Price, a comic, and a short graphic novel await you in issue #31 of The Lovecraft eZine, now available!  Read it for free at this link.  (The Kindle, Nook, print, and audio editions will all be available in a day or three.)

Issue #31 has stories by Ross E. Lockhart, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Scott Nicolay, David Conyers and David Kernot, and more.  Read it here.

You know, the very best thing you can do for these authors is to comment on their stories.  It means a lot to them, and to me.  In fact, I’m going to give away three print editions of The Lovecraft eZine to three random commenters.  I’ll use to choose the commenters, one week from now.  If you win, you can choose this current issue or any other print edition available.

And be sure to watch our regular Friday night Call of Cthulhu game, tonight at 9:00pm Eastern time (8pm Central, 6pm Pacific)!  Watch here at that time.

Enjoy issue #31!

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  1. I’m a relative newbie here, but I just wanted to say that it is so great to have a magazine devoted entirely to Lovecraft & his mythos. You do a stupendous job with your ezine.


  2. Always look forward to these. Robert M. Price is a lovecraftian genius and the stories are always good for a weird fiction chill.


  3. Lovecraft was one of the main reasons I started writing fiction, and his stories and thoughts continue to inspire me – so I really can’t tell you how much it means to be featured among the talented writers and artists in this fine publication. It really is an amazing recognition, and it makes me want to take off all my clothes and dance around in circles while chanting “Ia! Ia! Cthulhu f’tagn!”


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