My family (and the eZine) could really use some financial help. Please read this. Thank you.

Thank you, everyone.

Hi folks. I hate to ask this.

My family (and the eZine) could really use some financial help. Please keep reading. 🙂

The Coronavirus crisis has affected a lot of people in a lot of ways, including financially — and that includes us. My wife is a schoolteacher and her income has gone down. We hope that’s temporary. My income has gone down, in part because I don’t have as many advertisers as I used to. I know why that is, of course: we’re not the only ones who are suffering financially. Add to that our many medical bills (we have insurance, but co-pays are expensive, and insurance doesn’t cover everything).

We could really use some financial help. And I really do hate to ask.

So if you’ve enjoyed the podcast, the community, and the various eZine projects, and if you can help even a little, I hope you will.

Thanks for reading this, and for helping, and for being here.

Here’s my PayPal link.

Thanks again. Stay safe out there. 🙂

P.S. I also want to say that I appreciate my patreons so much. Without you, the eZine would come to a halt right away.

8 responses to “My family (and the eZine) could really use some financial help. Please read this. Thank you.

  1. Hey, Mike, Glad to help out even in a small Patreon way! You do tons for us and friends of Grandpa all over. Hope that things start looking up for you all!

    Peace, Laura (The Rev.) Laura Thomas Howell, Obl.S.B. St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, EmmausSt. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Kutztown

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